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Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

Belajar CorelDraw Yok~~

1.Tampilan program Corel Draw

Title Bar

Memberi informasi tentang nama file dan aplikasi yang sedang dibuka. Pada ujung pojok kanan atas terdapat tombol Maximize Button untuk membuat tampilan CoreDraw satu layar penuh, Minimize button untuk meletakkan program pada Taskbar menu, sedangkan Close button untuk mengakhiri program.

-Menu Bar

Menu Bar adalah barisan menu yang terdiri dari File, Edit, Layout, Type, Element, Utilities, View, Window dan Help. Semua perintah-perintah terdapat pada menu menu tersebut.
Standard Tool Bar

Perintah – perintah yang sering digunakan dapat juga diakses melalui Standard Tool Bar. Pada Standard Tool Bar terdapat icon – icon perintah yang sering kita gunakan, misalnya untuk membuat file baru, membuka file, menyimpan, mencetak dan sebagainya. Hanya dengan klik sekali pada icon yang dimaksud maka perintah akan langsung dijalankan oleh CorelDraw.
Property Bar

Property Bar merupakan baris perintah yang unik, karena tampilannya akan selalu berubah dan perintah-perintah yang ada didalamnya akan menyesuaikan dengan icon yang sedang aktif pada tool Box. Misalnya tool Box sedang aktif pada Zoom Tool, maka akan memunculkan property dari Zoom tool, demikian juga dengan tool­tool yang lain. Disini kita akan dapat lebih cepat dalam mengakses perintah-perintah yang berhubungan dengan tool yang sedang aktif.
Horizontal Ruler

berfungsi untuk membantu kita dalam membuat desain dengan ukuran yang tepat. karena terdapat mistar horizontal dengan satuan ukuran yang dapat kita ubah sewaktu-waktu.
Printable Area

merupakan area dimana desain kita diletakkan untuk dicetak. Untuk mendesain kita boleh di luar printable area, namun ketika akan dicetak maka harus dimasukkan ke printable area tersebut.
Color Palette

Warna merupakan unsur penting dalam sebuah desain grafis. Corel Draw memberikan berbagai kemudahan untuk mengakses dan memilih berbagai model warna. Kita dapat mengakses tool-tool warna melalui on-screen color palette, Color dialog box, maupun Color Roll-upuntuk memilih warna isi, outline, kertas dan lain‑ lain. Namun langkah yang tercepat untuk mengakses warna adalah melalui On-screen color palette yan gtesedia di sebelah kanan window.
Tool Box

Merupakan barisan icon yang menyimpan berbagai macam perintah untuk pembuatan obyek dasar, editing obyek, efek-efek interaktif dan lain lain.

Yang perlu diperhatikan pada setiap bagian window Corel Draw adalah, kita dapat mengakses suatu perintah melalui berbagai cara yang kita sukai. Misalnya untuk membuat file baru, dapat memalui menu bar, tool bar, maupun menggunakan perintah Short Cut.

Tool Box merupakan sarana utama pada Corel Draw. Tool Box menyimpan berbagai perintah perintah untuk membuat obyek dasar, editing obyek, memberikan efek-efek interaktif dan lain-lain.

Alat-alat yang ada dalam tool box:

1.Pick tool: digunakan untuk memilih gambar.

2.Shape tool: untuk merubah bentuk obyek secara halus.

3.Knife tool: untuk memotong obyek.

4.Eraser tool: untuk menghapus bagian obyek

5.Smudge brush: untuk mengubah bagian garis outline pada obyek dengan cara draging.

6.Roughen brush: digunakan untuk mengubah bagian ouline pada garis vektor dari obyek.

7.Free transform tool: digunakan untuk memutar obyek dengan bebas

8.Zoom tool: dipergunakan untuk memperbesar tampilan obyek.

9.Hand tool: digunakan untuk memindah tampilan obyek.

10.Free hand tool: digunakan untuk menggambar kurve dengan satu segment.

11.Polyline tool: digunakan untuk menggambar garis dan kurve.

12.Freehand tool: dipergunakan untuk membuat garis bebas.

13.Bezier tool: untuk membuat garis lurus.

14.3 Point curve: digunakan untuk membuat kurve dengan tiga point, dengan cara drag dari point 1 lepas pada point 2 kemudian klik pada point ke 3 untuk mengakhiri pembuatan kurve.

15.Artistic media tool: untuk membuat garis dengan gaya artistic, pada pilihan ini terdapat 3 pilihan yaitu Brush, Sprayer calligraphic dan pressure.

16.Dimension tool: untuk membuat garis yang dilengkapi dengan nilai dan satuan pengukuran.

17.Interactive connector tool: adalah tool yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua buah obyek dengan garis.

18.Rectangel tool: untuk membuat obyek kotak.

19. 3 Point rectangle: pilihan ini digunakan untuk membuat obyek kotak dengan tiga point dengan cara drag dari point 1 lepas pada point 2 dan klik pada point 3 sebagai akhir pembuatan obyek kotak/ ragtangle.

20.Ellipse: digunakan untuk membuat obyek berbentuk lingkaran/ ellips dengan cara melakukan draging.

21.3 Point ellipse: digunakan untuk membuat lingkaran dengan titik point dengan cara draging dari point satu sebagai awal. Lepas pada point ke 2 dan lepas pada point ke 3 sebagai akhir dari pembuatan lingkaran.

22.Polygon tool: untuk membuat obyek polygon [obyek dengan banyak sudut].

23.Spiral tool: untuk membuat obyek Spiral.

24.Graph paper tool: untuk membuat obyek dengan bentuk gabungan otak hingga Nampak seperti obyek table.

25.Basic shapes: untuk membentuk obyek bentuk dasar yang sudah disiapkan system CrowelDraw 11.

26.Arrow shapes: untuk membuat obyek bentuk anak panah dengan berbagai bentuk dan pola, arah dan beberapa pola ujung panah.

27.Flowchart shapes: untuk penyusunan obyek Flowchart/diagram dengan bentuk flowchart.

28.Star shapes: untuk membuat obyek bentuk bintang.

29.Callout tool: untuk membuat obyek guna memberikan keterangan pada sebuah obyek lain.

30.Text tool: untuk membuat obyek bentuk artistic text atan pharagraf text.

31.Interactive blend tool: untuk membuat penggandaan obyek hingga mendekati bentuk obyek terakhir.

32.Interactive counter tool: untuk membuat penggandaan obyek dengan ukuran yang berbeda.

33.Interactive envlope tool: untuk membuat obyek dengan mengikuti pola yang diinginkan.

34.Interactive extrude tool: untuk membuat obyek dengan efek tiga dimensi berdasarkan obyek dasar.

35.Interactive drop shadow: untuk membuat obyek dengan efek bayangan.

36.Interactive transparency: tool untuk membuat obyek dengan fill bentuk transparan terhadap obyek yang ada di belakangnya.

37.Eyedropper tool: dipergunakan untuk mengetahui presentase warna yang digunakan untuk fill dari suatu obyek.

38.Paintbucket tool: tool yang digunakan untuk menyalin warna fill setelah menggunakan fasilitas eyedropper tool.

39.Interactive fill tool: untuk mengatur warna fill secara interactiive.

40.The interactive mesh tool: dipergunakan untuk menerapkan mesh grid pada obyek.

41.Fill tool: untuk mengatur warna fill dan suatu obyek.

42.Outline tool: tool yang digunakan untuk merubah bentuk Outline, warna, ketebalan outline dari suatu obyek.

Vertical Scrool Bar

Penggulung halaman secara vertical. Anda dapat menggeser scrool bar ke atas dan kebawah untuk memperluas lembar kerja atau untuk melihat bagian tertentu dari gambar yang belum terlihat.
Vertical Ruler

Vertical ruler berfungsi untuk membuat garis bantu vertical.

- Horizontal Scrool Bar

penggulung halaman secara horisontal. Anda dapat menggeser horizontal scrool bar untuk melihat bagian kanan atau bagian kiri laembar kerja yang belum terlihat.
Status Bar

Memberikan informasi tentang operasi yang sedang dilakukan, koordinat posisi mouse berada dan juga informasi tentang warna pada obyek yang sedang diaktifkan, baik warna fill maupun outline.
Shortcut pada Corel Draw

Main Menu adalah Sederetan Menu yang dipersiapkan untuk membantu dalam proses pembuatan dan editing gambar

Toolbox adalah kumpulan tool yang digunakan untuk mengedit gambar
Properties Bar adalah Tempat kita melakukan pengaturan
Pilihan Warna / Color Pallete digunakan untuk memberi warna pada object
Lembar / Kertas Kerja adalah Tempat kita menggambar / bekerja

Beberapa Shortcut pada Corel Draw yang dapat membatu dalam bekerja

Break Apart => Ctrl+K
Combine => Ctrl+L
Contour => Ctrl+F9
Copy => Ctrl+C
Copy => Ctrl+Insert
Duplicate => Ctrl+D
Ellipse => F7
Envelope => Ctrl+F7
Export… => Ctrl+E

Find Text… => Alt+F3
Format Text… => Ctrl+T
Freehand => F5
Full-Screen Preview => F9
Graph Paper => D
Group => Ctrl+G
Import… => Ctrl+I
Lens => Alt+F3
New => Ctrl+N
Open… => Ctrl+O
Options… => Ctrl+J

Paste => Ctrl+V

Paste => Shift+Insert

Polygon => Y

Position => Alt+F7

Print… => Ctrl+P

Rectangle => F6

Repeat => Ctrl+R

Rotate => Alt+F8

Save… => Ctrl+S

Scale => Alt+F9

Spell Check… => Ctrl+F12

Spiral => A

Text => F8

Undo => Ctrl+Z

Undo => Alt+Backspace

Ungroup => Ctrl+U
Visual Basic Editor… => Alt+F11
What’s This? => Shift+F1

Align Bottom => B
Align Centers Horizontally => E
Align Centers Vertically => C
Align Left => L
Align Right => R
Align To Baseline => Alt+F12
Align Top => T
All Small Capitals => Ctrl+Shift+K
Artistic Media => I

Back => Ctrl+PgDn
Bold => Ctrl+B
Brightness/Contrast/Intensity… => Ctrl+B
Bring up Property Bar => Ctrl+Return
Bullet => Ctrl+M

Change Case… => Shift+F3
Center => Ctrl+E
Center to Page => P
Color Balance… => Ctrl+Shift+B
Color => Shift+F12
Color => Shift+F11
Convert => Ctrl+F8
Convert To Curves => Ctrl+Q
Convert Outline To Object => Ctrl+Shift+Q
Cut => Ctrl+X
Cut => Shift+Delete

Delete => Delete
Delete Character to Right => Delete
Delete Word to Right => Ctrl+Delete
Distribute Bottom => Shift+B
Distribute Centers Horizontally => Shift+E
Distribute Centers Vertically => Shift+C
Distribute Left => Shift+L
Distribute Right => Shift+R
Distribute Spacing Horizontally => Shift+P
Distribute Spacing Vertically => Shift+A
Distribute Top => Shift+T
Drop Cap => Ctrl+Shift+D

Edit Text… => Ctrl+Shift+T

Exit => Alt+F4

Eraser => X

Font List => Ctrl+Shift+F
Font Size Decrease ===> Ctrl+NUMPAD2
Font Size Decrease ===> Ctrl+NUMPAD2
Font Size Increase ===> Ctrl+NUMPAD8
Font Size Increase ===> Ctrl+NUMPAD8
Font Size List ===> Ctrl+Shift+P
Font Size Next Combo Size ===> Ctrl+NUMPAD6
Font Size Next Combo Size ===> Ctrl+NUMPAD6
Font Size Previous Combo Size => Ctrl+NUMPAD4
Font Size Previous Combo Size => Ctrl+NUMPAD4
Font Weight List ===> Ctrl+Shift+W
Force Full ===> Ctrl+H
Forward One ===> Ctrl+PgUp
Fountain ===> F11
Full ===> Ctrl+J

Graphic and Text Styles ===> Ctrl+F5

HTML Font Size List ===> Ctrl+Shift+H
Hand ===> H
Horizontal Text ===> Ctrl+,
Hue/Saturation/Lightness… ===> Ctrl+Shift+U

Insert Character ===> Ctrl+F11
Interactive Fill ===> G
Italic ===> Ctrl+I

Left ===> Ctrl+L

Linear ===> Alt+F2

Mesh Fill ===> M
Micro Nudge Down ===> Ctrl+DnArrow
Micro Nudge Left ===> Ctrl+LeftArrow
Micro Nudge Right ===> Ctrl+RightArrow
Micro Nudge Up ===> Ctrl+UpArrow
Move Down 1 Frame ===> PgDn
Move Down 1 Line ===> DnArrow
Move Down 1 Paragraph ===> Ctrl+DnArrow
Move Left 1 Character ===> LeftArrow
Move Left 1 Word ===> Ctrl+LeftArrow
Move Right 1 Character ===> RightArrow
Move Right 1 Word ===> Ctrl+RightArrow
Move Up 1 Frame ===> PgUp
Move Up 1 Line ===> UpArrow
Move Up 1 Paragraph ===> Ctrl+UpArrow
Move to Beginning of Frame ===> Ctrl+Home
Move to Beginning of Line ===> Home

Move to Beginning of Text ===> Ctrl+PgUp
Move to End of Frame ===> Ctrl+End
Move to End of Line ===> End
Move to End of Text ===> Ctrl+PgDn

Navigator ===> N
Next Page ===> PgDn
None ===> Ctrl+N
Nudge Down ===> DnArrow
Nudge Up ===> UpArrow
Nudge Left ===> LeftArrow
Nudge Right ===> RightArrow

Pan Down ===> Alt+DnArrow
Pan Left ===> Alt+LeftArrow
Pan Right ===> Alt+RightArrow
Pan Up ===> Alt+UpArrow
Pen ===> F12
Previous Page ===> PgUp
Properties ===> Alt+Return

Redo ===> Ctrl+Shift+Z
Refresh Window ===> Ctrl+W
Right ===> Ctrl+R

Size ===> Alt+F10

Save As… ===> Ctrl+Shift+S
Select Down 1 Frame ===> Shift+PgDn
Select Down 1 Line ===> Shift+DnArrow
Select Down 1 Paragraph => Ctrl+Shift+DnArrow
Select Left 1 Character ===> Shift+LeftArrow
Select Left 1 Word ===> Ctrl+Shift+LeftArrow
Select Right 1 Character ===> Shift+RightArrow
Select Right 1 Word ===> Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow
Select Up 1 Frame ===> Shift+PgUp
Select Up 1 Line ===> Shift+UpArrow
Select Up 1 Paragraph ===> Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow
Select all objects ===> Ctrl+A
Select to Beginning of Frame => Ctrl+Shift+Home
Select to Beginning of Line ===> Shift+Home
Select to Beginning of Text ===> Ctrl+Shift+PgUp
Select to End of Frame ===> Ctrl+Shift+End
Select to End of Line ===> Shift+End
Select to End of Text ===> Ctrl+Shift+PgDn
Shape ===> F10
Show Non-Printing Characters ===> Ctrl+Shift+C
Snap To Grid ===> Ctrl+Y
Style List ===> Ctrl+Shift+S
Super Nudge Down ===> Shift+DnArrow
Super Nudge Left ===> Shift+LeftArrow

Super Nudge Right ===> Shift+RightArrow

Super Nudge Up ===> Shift+UpArrow

Text ===> Ctrl+F10
To Back ===> Shift+PgDn
To Front ===> Shift+PgUp
Toggle Pick State ===> Ctrl+Space
Toggle View ===> Shift+F9

Underline ===> Ctrl+U

Vertical Text ===> Ctrl+.

View Manager ===> Ctrl+F2

Zoom ===> Z
Zoom Out ===> F3
Zoom One-Shot ===> F2
Zoom To Fit ===> F4
Zoom To Page ===> Shift+F4
Zoom To Selection ===> Shift+F2

Perbedaan Corel draw dengan Photoshop

“Adobe Photoshop : lebih di peruntukan untuk mengedit sebuah foto/gambar dan sering digunakan untuk menyempurnakan/memaksimalkan warna.
Corel Draw : lebih mengarah pada desain logo,kaos,sepanduk,dll.

Untuk desain logo/lambang seperti yang agan maksud ,agan bisa menggunakan corel draw dan kemudian kalau warnanya kurang/tidak sesuai yang agan inginkan, agan dapat menyempurnakannya dengan Adobe Photoshop. tapi melihat harus pakai dua aplikasi sekaligus untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. saya sarankan menggunakan Adobe illustrator. sebab software tersebut merupakan gabungan dari Photoshop dan Corel Draw, yang dibuat untuk para pendesain untuk dapat memaksimalkan hasil desain dengan cepat.
mengenai tampilan/fitur Adobe illustrator sama seperti Photoshop dan Corel Draw. jadi bila agan sudah tidak asing dan sering mengunakan Photoshop dan Corel Draw, pastinya tidak akan mengalami kesulitan untuk menjalankan Adobe illustrator.”http://id.answers.yahoo.com/activity?show=SK5RLQXZG2KU7JLTXNFBD6QXTQ&t=g

“basically, photoshop adalah tool utk mengedit foto sedangkan coreldraw adalah tool utk menggambar. akan tetapi, pd prakteknya photoshop bisa digunakan jg utk menggambar.

perbedaan yg paling nyata antara photoshop dan coreldraw:
1. photoshop menggunakan sistem layer utk objek2nya sedangkan coreldraw tidak
2. photoshop berbasis pixel. jika objek diperbesar atau diperkecil, kepadatannya berubah (“pecah” ) sedangkan coreldraw berbasis vektor sehingga anda dpt memperbesar atau memperkecil objek tanpa mengubah kepadatannya. akan tetapi, apabila objek yg diolah memang pixel-based, di coreldraw pun tetap akan mengalami perubahan kepadatan. misalnya, anda ingin memperbesar foto (format jpeg). krn format jpeg adalah pixel-based, sekalipun anda memperbesar dg coreldraw, foto akan tetap “pecah”

semoga membantu

Kalau untuk membuat, mengedit, mendesain logo/lambang bagusnya pakai apa?

mendesain Logo pakai Corel..

menambah effect pada Logo Pakai Photoshop,,, “ http://id.answers.yahoo.com/activity?show=XGYNVNGEEAVFXPF5ZRDJ7BN2JQ&t=g

Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Lirik Lagu Katy Perry – Dark Horse (Feat. Juicy J)

I knew you were
You were gonna come to me
And here you are
But you better choose carefully
‘Cause I’m capable of anything
Of anything and everything

Make me your Aphrodite
Make me your one and only
Don’t make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know whatcha falling for
Baby do you dare to do this
Cause I’m coming atcha like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, perfect storm
Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine
There’s no going back

Mark my words
This love will make you levitate
Like a bird
Like a bird without a cage
But down to earth
If you choose to walk away, don’t walk away

It’s in the palm of your hand now baby
It’s a yes or no, no maybe
So just be sure before you give it up to me
Up to me, give it up to me

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know whatcha falling for
Baby do you dare to do this
Cause I’m coming atcha like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, perfect storm
Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine
There’s no going back

[Juicy J - Rap Verse]
She’s a beast
I call her Karma
She eat your heart out
Like Jeffrey Dahmer
Be careful
Try not to lead her on
Shawty’s heart was on steroids
Cause her love was so strong
You may fall in love
When you meet her
If you get the chance you better keep her
She swears by it but if you break her heart
She turn cold as a freezer
That fairy tale ending with a knight in shining armor
She can be my Sleeping Beauty
I’m gon’ put her in a coma
Damn I think I love her
Shawty so bad
I’m sprung and I don’t care
She got me like a roller coaster
Turn the bedroom into a fair
Her love is like a drug
I was tryna hit it and quit it
But lil’mama so dope
I messed around and got addicted

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know whatcha falling for
Baby do you dare to do this
Cause I’m coming atcha like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, perfect storm
Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine
There’s no going back

Video Katy Perry- Dark Horse :


Lirik Lagu Zedd Feat Foxes - Clarity

[Verse 1: Foxes]
I dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life
Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time
Hold still right before we crash 'cause we both know how this ends
A clock ticks 'til it breaks your glass and I drown in you again

[Hook: Foxes]
'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

[Bridge: Foxes]
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

[Verse 2: Foxes]
Walk on through a red parade and refuse to make amends
It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense
Don't speak as I try to leave 'cause we both know what we'll choose
If you pull then I'll push too deep and I'll fall right back to you


[Interlude: Foxes]
Why are you my clarity?
Why are you my remedy?
Why are you my clarity?
Why are you my remedy?


Video Clip Zedd Feat Foxes - Clarity

Apa itu Tragedi Super Semar ? ( 11 Maret )

1965 to the nadir scraping dark history in the life of the nation as well Sukarno of Indonesia. At which time , conflict and power struggles that are no longer familiar with the word ' humanity and justice ' . Political instincts ambitious move , wash their own, perched on the reins of power to jointly ejecting and devour Sukarno .

The transition of power in 1965 until five years later , has given rise to tragic events , namely the killing of half a million people in the frenzied atmosphere of the early New Order politics . Sukarno had called for , that the mass murder taking place in East Java and want a massacre is stopped immediately . But ironically , his call was ignored , because the security has been sabotaged by a hidden power control .

Became a common political intrigue when the composition of the cabinet in a parliamentary democracy system implementation was initiated by Sukarno experienced ups and downs . For the individuals who have long been enemies in a blanket , such conditions to provide fresh air to immediately take advantage of the position and seek political reproach . This makes Sukarno began to think to make such a political shield for the survival of his government .

One of the parties that give a strong impetus to reconstruct governance is the Indonesian Communist Party ( PKI ) , which was then chaired by Aidit . This is where the establishment of a common vision among Aidit that carries the communist ideology with the concept that has been settled in the Soekarno thought NASAKOM ( Nationalism , Religion , and Communists ) .

Sukarno was not a communist , but populist ideas contained in communist thinking is understood as one component that is able to change the condition of Indonesia which at the time were not stable . In turn , the existence of which is backed up PKI Soekarno grew rapidly and became the strongest party .
Meanwhile , the military is no less a strategy for competitive influence in the political arena . The implementation of ABRI's dual function system makes an iron fist military is able to move in the political sector . The fact PKI rapidly growing cause for concern in the military , especially the Army ( AD ) . Because if the election was held , the PKI will win an absolute and will automatically become the president of the PKI . For the sake of the power block the rate of the CPI , the AD by cooperating with the Indonesian National Party ( PNI ) successfully proposed and make Soekarno as President for Life , through this means abolished elections .

However , the political implications of the model such that it triggers the conflict spawned a variety of anarchy . With both use Sukarno as ' bamper ' , the heat between AD with PKI increasingly tense so widespread series of uprisings and at its peak , the great tragedy took place in the Movement 30 September 1965 ( G 30 S ) . All efforts are being deployed to sharpen the power of Sukarno 's guided democracy eventually eroded by a variety of political intrigue and interest groups . As a result , Sukarno terjerembam mired in accusations and insults .

Meanwhile , conditions were very unstable society can easily be exploited . Demonstrations and massacres spread throughout December 1965 to early March 1966 . People who have provoked increasingly indiscriminate . The youth and students demanded the government of responsibility for the riots were becoming widespread.

So with consideration of the worsening situation in the country , Sukarno eventually signed a letter sent by Suharto through three emissaries namely Andi M. Yusuf , Basuki Rachmat , and Amir Machmoed . The letter became known as March 11, 1966 Order ( Supersemar ) that is the spearhead of legitimacy for the overthrow of Sukarno .

I. Considering :
1.1 . Depth Revolution today, as well as the state of both national and international politics
1.2 . Command Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Day / President / Commander of the Revolution on March 8, 1966
II . Considering :
2.1 . Need peace of existence and stability of Government and the path of the Revolution .
2.2 . Need the existence of a guarantee integrity Leader of the Revolution , the Armed Forces and the people to maintain the leadership and authority of the President / Supreme Commander / Leader of the Revolution as well as all the teachings - adjarannja
III . Deciding / Ordered :
To : On behalf of the President / Supreme Commander / Leader of the Revolution :
1 . Take any action which may be necessary , for terdjaminnja security and peace and stability the course of administration and path of the Revolution , as well as guaranteeing safety and authority Chairman President / Supreme Commander / Pemimin Big revolution / mandatorily MPRS for the sake of the integrity of the Nation and the Republic of Indonesia , and execute with certainty all the teachings of the Leader of the Revolution .
2 . Coordinate the execution of orders with Commander - Force - Force Commander with the best would be a good other .
3 . In order to report everything which bersangkuta - jointed in duties and responsibilities Then the answer as above .
IV . Done .

Djakarta , March 11, 1966
In situations of conflict does not go away , the Assembly held a Special Session . In the trial Supersemar more sure , Sukarno 's accountability statement contained in the following Nawaksara complementary rejected by the Assembly . Practically at the time of Sukarno lost his position as the number one in Indonesia. Transition of power fell to the holders Supersemar that Suharto .
Post- it , accrued severe consequences for alleged involvement Sukarno event G 30 S. Even without proof , the New Order regime of Sukarno moved from Jakarta to Bogor Palace as a political prisoner . Under close supervision , health conditions Sukarno began to decline and more vulnerable to disease . Sukarno decided to move to Slate appeared as a decree of the government to immediately vacate the Bogor Palace .

After a few months , Sukarno government granted permission to stay in the guesthouse Yaso Jakarta . Sukarno remained different circumstances , and even more frequent interrogations by Kopkamtib . As a result , psychological and physical condition worsened Sukarno . Mid-1970s Sukarno impaired consciousness , faulty metabolism , so it was decided to be taken to the Army Hospital ( Hospital Gatot Subroto Army ) . Only a few days , extremely severe disease state can no longer make Soekarno survive , on June 21, 1970 Sukarno last breath .

Warrant of March this is the version that is released from the Army Headquarters ( AD ) were also recorded in the history books . Most of the Indonesian historians say that there are various versions of the manuscript Supersemar that was traced Supersemar issued by President Sukarno in Bogor Palace .
· According to one of the three high-ranking army who eventually received the letter , when they read the letter again on the way back to Jakarta , one of the senior officers who then read it commented "Why is khan transfer of power " . It is not clear then the original manuscript Supersemar because a few years later the original manuscript of this letter were missing and no obvious loss of this letter by whom and where the offender 's history of events as " the birth of Supersemar " is already dead. Later , the family M. Jusuf said that there was a script Supersemar M. Jusuf personal documents are stored in a bank .

· According to the testimony of one of the presidential guard at the Bogor Palace , First Lieutenant ( First Lieutenant ) Sukardjo Wilardjito , when a confession written in various media after the 1998 Reform which also marks the end of the New Order and the rule of President Soeharto . He stated that senior officers were present to the Bogor Palace on the evening of March 11, 1966 at 01:00 local time dawn not three but four officers that his next officer Brigadier -General ( Brig ) M. Panggabean . Even at the time , Brigadier General M. Jusuf Supersemar event brought folder bearing the Army Headquarters pink and M. Pangabean and Brig Gen. Basuki Rahmat pointing a gun towards President Sukarno and insisted that President Sukarno signed the letter which he said that the Decree of March is not clear what's inside . Sukardjo First Lieutenant who was in charge of guarding the president , also reply to put the gun in the direction of the generals , but President Sukarno ordered Soekardjo to lower the gun and sheathed it . According to him , the President then signed the paper , and after the signing , President Sukarno told that the situation has been stabilized, the mandate should be immediately returned . The meeting broke up and when the fourth high-ranking officer was returning to Jakarta . Soekardjo President Sukarno told that he must get out of the palace . " I have to get out of the castle , and you have to be careful , " he mimicked the message of President Sukarno . Not long after ( about 30 minutes ago ) Bogor Palace was already occupied and Special Forces troops from the army, First Lieutenant Sukardjo and colleagues subsequently stripped of his bodyguards were arrested and detained in a Military Detention and dismissed from military service . Some have doubted the testimony Soekardjo Wilardjito it , even one of the perpetrators of history Supersemar Gen. ( Ret. ) Joseph M. , and Gen. ( ret ) M Panggabean denied the incident .

· According to testimony A.M. Hanafi in his book " AM Hanafi Sues Suharto coup " , a former Indonesian ambassador to Cuba unconstitutionally dismissed by Suharto . He denied the testimony of Lieutenant Sukardjo Wilardjito who said that the presence of Gen. M. Panggabean to Bogor Palace with three other generals ( Amirmachmud , M. Jusuf and Basuki Rahmat ) on March 11, 1966 morning who guns against President Sukarno . According to him , at that time , President Soekarno stay at the State Palace , Jakarta, for the purposes of a cabinet meeting in the morning . Similarly, all the ministers or most of the ministers have been staying in the palace to avoid the next day when the new comes , the demonstrations that have been huddled in Jakarta . AM Hanafi Alone present at the hearing with the Deputy Prime Minister ( Deputy Premier ) Chaerul Saleh . According to the writings in the book , the three generals that this is what they had to go to the Bogor Palace , to meet President Soekarno who went there first. And he thinks they departed from the previous palace , from palace to call for independence Amir Machmud Commissioner Soemirat , personal bodyguard of President Soekarno in Bogor , asked permission to come to Bogor . And all of that there are witnesses - witnesses . The third general seems to have brought the text , which is called now Supersemar . It was there Bung Karno , but not mugged , because they come in fine. But outside the palace is surrounded demonstrations and tanks in the streets outside the palace . Given such circumstances , it seems Bung Karno signed the letter . So AM Hanafi stated , the knowledge of him , because he was not present at the Bogor Presidential Palace but were in along with other ministers . So yangdatang to Bogor Palace nothing Gen Panggabean . Mr Panggabean , who at that time served as Minister of Defense , was not present .

· About typist Supersemar . Who actually typed the letter , is still not clear . There are some people who claim to type that letter , among others, Lt. Col. ( Ret. ) Army Ebram Ali , at that time as staff Assistant I Cakrabirawa Intelligence .
· Testimony submitted to the foreign historian , Ben Anderson , by a soldier who had served in Bogor Palace . The Army argues that Supersemar letter typed on letterhead Headquarters of the Army , not on presidential letterhead paper . This is the reason why , according to Ben Supersemar lost or intentionally omitted .
Which one is the original , it is not clear up to now . Who knows for sure , is the historical actors , which unfortunately is now residing in the wild there . They are Brigadier -General ( Brig ) M. Panggabean , Brigadier General M. Jusuf , Gen. Basuki Rahmat and Major General Suharto . While Brigadier General M. Panggabean involvement is still debated .
With the Supersemar confusion , historians and Indonesian law says that the events G-30-S/PKI and Supersemar is one of the Indonesian history that is still dark .

Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

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Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Naskah Drama Cinderella Bahasa Inggris

Cinderella =
Alice =
Julie =
Step Mother =
King =
Prince =
Queen =
Fairy =
The Guard 1 =
The Guard 2 =
Narator =


Alice : Cinderella…, Cinderella…, Cinderella…!
Cinderella : Wait, I’m coming. Why do you call me?
Alice : look at that. The floor is dirty. Clean it quickly.
Julie : no, no, no, Cinderella. I’m hungry now, cook some food first.
Alice : Julie, the floor is dirty.
Julie : Alice, I’m hungry
Alice : I don’t care, the floor is dirty
Cinderella : May I say some things?
Steps sister : NO!!
Step mother : What’s happen in here?
Step sister : No, mom. No thing.
Julie : Look at that, that’s rat, rat…
Step mother : Kill it now!
Cinderella : Don’t touch it. Let it go away
Step mother : Cinderella, are you sure….
Cinderella : I’m sure mom. If we let it go, it won’t come back to here.
Step mother : What do you talking about? I wouldn’t say it. I would say ‘are you sure want to get new punish?
Cinderella : a…, a…, a…
Step mother : Okay, let it go away. Then clean the floor and cook some food quickly. And you can’t dinner tonight
Cinderella : okay, mom.

It usually happen everyday. Cinderella got big punishes everyday. One day, in the other side, in the castle, there was a charming prince. His named Prince. His parents wanted him to marry quickly, But he always disagree.

King : Prince, What do you want? You want to this country be bad?
Prince : No, dad. But I want to enjoy with my life now. And if my time to marry comes, I’ll marry, dad.
Queen : When will it come? Prince, your father has been old, and you are the regeneration of your dad.
King : Your mom rights, Prince
Prince : I have known it, dad. But I’m still confusing about it.
King : Actually, it is easy for you, Prince.
Prince : Okay. But give me time to think about it again, please.
Queen : Two weeks for you, Prince. After this, no time for you anymore and we need your answer on time. Do you understand?
Prince : Thanks, mom and dad.

After two weeks, Prince had found his answer. He had been ready to married. And his parents had found a way to find Prince’s wife.

Prince : Dad, I agree with you. I agree to marry. But….
Queen : Why? What is wrong?
Prince : No. every things is rights. I just want to say I don’t know with whom I have to marry, mom
King : ha…ha…ha…, don’t be nervous. We have thought it. We will make a party for all ladies in this country. Then, you can choose one of them to be your wife.
Queen : That’s right. Do you agree about it?
Prince ; I agree, mom

After that, the Castle Guard spread that party to all houses in that country. Every lady could come to that party, then, the Guard had come to the Cinderella’s house.

The Guard 1 : Attention, for all ladies in this country. Prince invited you to come to his dance party. Every lady can come. That party will be at Saturday night this week. Thanks for your attention.

Cinderella wanted to come to that party. Unluckily, her step mother didn’t give her permission to go there and always gave her heavy tasks and punishes.
At the time for party, Cinderella felt very sad. She wanted come there, but she couldn’t do it. Her step mother didn’t let her went there.

Cinderella : Mom, I have finished to wish the dashes and clean the floor.
Step mother : Alright…, now, clean the window.
Cinderella : But I have done last three hours, mom
Step mother : Oh…, DO IT AGAIN!!

Cinderella felt very sad by do the task. Suddenly, a kind fairy came to her. The Fairy wanted to help Cinderella.

Cinderella : Oh, God. I want to come to that party. But I can’t. I have to finish it first. Hey, what is that? W-who a-are y-you?
Fairy : Don’t be afraid. I’m just a fairy. I come to help you.
Cinderella : Thank you.
Fairy : Now, wish your face.
Cinderella ; Okay
Fairy : Then, this…
Fairy : Now, you can go there. But, remember, my magic just can until twelve o’clock this midnight. So, you have to go home before the bells ring.
Cinderella : Okay, Miss. But how about my task and punishes?
Fairy : Don’t worry. I will have done when you go.
Cinderella1 : Thank you.
Fairy : You’re welcome. Let’s wear it! I’m in here. Then, you can go there.

Cinderella went to the party. In that party, the Prince bored. All ladies invited Prince to dance with them. But the Prince didn’t want to do it. Then, When Cinderella came lately; the Prince surprised with her and felt falling in love to her. But, no one knew if she was Cinderella, except Cinderella, God and the Fairy. Cinderella looked very beautiful. She looked like a beautiful Princess from the Castle in other Country.

Alice : Will you dance with me?
Prince : I’m sorry, but I can’t. Thanks for your invitation.
Alice : Don’t worry. I can dance with my friends.

Julie : Look at me! He will dance with me!.
Alice : That’s impossible. I’m more beautiful than you, but he didn’t want with me.
Julie : What do you say? You are more beautiful than me. I think I’m prettier than you. So, look at me carefully!!
Julie : excuse me, Charming Prince, Will you dance with me?
Prince : I’m sorry, but I can’t. Thanks for your invitation.
Julie : But why are you feeling you can’t? Maybe I can help you?
Prince : Thanks, but, I can’t dance now. Thanks for your Participations.
Julie : You’re welcome.

Alice : Look at your self. Prince didn’t want with you!
Julie : But I can talk with him longer than you!
Alice : Yes, But he just say Thanks…, I’m sorry…, then thanks… again!
Julie : SHUT UP!

Cinderella : Sorry, I’m late.
The Guard 2 : Don’t worry. Come on, lets in to the party room
Cinderella : Thank you.
The Guard 2 : You’re welcome.

Prince : Oh, God. Thanks. You give me a pretty woman.

Prince : Hi, lady. Will you dance with me?
Cinderella : Sure

Cinderella and the prince danced romantically and her step sister was jealous to them. Suddenly, the bell rang.

Alice : Look at that. Actually, we can like that with the Prince
Julie : What do you say, we, I think it just me?
Alice : huh, look at your self. You are ugly.
Julie : But I’m more beautiful than you.
Alice : It is wrong!!!
Julie ; No it is true.
Alice : No
Julie : Look at that.

King : Look at your son. I feel he is falling in love with her lady.
Queen : What do you say “my son”. He is your son.
King : No, mom. He’s yours.
Queen : yours, dad.
King : Not mine. He is yours, mom.
Queen : Okay, dad. I lose. How about “us”?
King : That sounds good.

Prince : Lady, you look beautiful. May I ask some things?
Cinderella : Sure.
Prince : May I know your name
Cinderella : Of course. My name is….
(The bells rang)
Cinderella : Oh, sorry Prince. I must go home now.
Prince : No, lady. Stay in here, please.
Cinderella : I’m sorry, Prince.
Prince : Lady, don’t leaf me. Lady…lady…lady…

Cinderella went home quickly. But the Prince felt sad. And luckily, Cinderella’s glass shoe left when she run away.

The Guard 2 : Don’t be sad, Prince. You can get her. Look at that. Her shoe left. You can find the owner.
Prince : Brilliant, Thank you. Stop this party and we will look for the owner tomorrow. Do you understand?”
The Guards : Yes, sir.

In the next day, Prince and his guards looked for the owner of that glass shoe. But, no one can use that shoe. Then they came to the Cinderella’s house.

The Guard 1 : Excuse me….excuse me…excuse me.
Step mother : wait…wait… I’m coming. Oh, Prince why are you come here?
The Guard 2 : Prince will look for the owner of it. Prince will marry with the owner. Did your daughter come to the party last night?
Step mother : Oh, yes. They came to that party
The Guard 1 : Call them now.
Step mother : Alice…, Julie…, come here!
Step Sister : Why do you call me, Mom? Oh, Prince.
The Guard 1 : Okay, try it.
Julie : Oh, yah. I’m first, Alice.
(Julie couldn’t use it)
Alice : Look at you. The princess is me.
(Alice couldn’t use it, too.)
(Some thing felt in the kitchen)
Prince : What is that? Let me check it.

Prince : Hey, who are you?
Cinderella : I’m Cinderella.
Prince : Who is she?
Step mother : ‘A… just a servant
Prince : Try it.
Step mother : But, Prince, she just a servant.
Prince : I don’t care.
(Cinderella could use it)
The Guard 2 : Wonderful!!
The Guard 1 : Prince, she is your lady.
Prince : Cinderella, will you marry me?
Cinderella : Sure.
Prince : Okay. Lets we go to the castle!
Cinderella : yah, but….
Prince : hmm. Okay. If in your depend it’s good for you, why not?
Cinderella : Thanks, Prince.
Prince : I’ll do anything for you.
Step mother : a…., Cinderella. Now you can live happily with him and live in the castle. So, we’re sorry for our pretended to you.
Alice : Yes, Cinderella. I and Julie are sorry, we have been jealous to you.
Cinderella : Don’t worry. I have forgiven you in the first time. And I want you to live in the castle with us.
Julie : Oh, Cinderella. You are a perfect lady. Thank you very much, Cinderella.
Cinderella : You’re Welcome.
Prince : Cinderella! Let’s go.
Cinderella : Yes, Prince.

Cinderella and Prince went to the castle. Prince remembered, if he had found his lady, he had to meet his parents with her lady before they married. So, Prince went to the castle quickly.

Prince : Dad, she is my lady. I will marry with her.
King : Who is she?
Prince : She is Cinderella. But….
Queen : why?
Prince : She just a servant.
King : What? She is a servant?
Prince : Sorry, mom, dad but I love her, mom and dad. I hope you agree with me?
King : Who have said we disagree? I’m proud of you. You choose a lady from her heart and you always believe yourself.
Queen : Yes, Prince. You are my best son.
King : Hey…hey…hey…, Prince is my son.
Queen : I am his mother, dad. So, He is my son.
King : No, mom. He is my son.
Queen : Dad, why do you always disagree with me? I’m sorry, I must go…
King : Oh sorry, mom. I’m just kidding mom. Don’t go from here, mom.
Queen : I’m really sorry, dad. But I must go… to the toilet now.

Prince : So, dad. Do you agree with me?
King : Yes, of course.

Queen : Prince, you have to marry with her quickly. We hope next week you have been ready to marry.
Prince : Thanks, dad, mom. Cinderella, do you agree with my parents?
Cinderella : Yes, Prince.
Finally, Cinderella and Prince married. Cinderella’s steps family lived with them in the castle. They didn’t pretended Cinderella like a servant anymore. And they lived happily ever after in the castle.