Java Great Post Road, commissioned by Daendels.
He displayed a firm attitude towards the Javanese rulers, with the result that the rulers were willing to work with the British against the Dutch. He also subjected the population of
Java to forced labour (
Rodi). There were some rebellious actions against this, such as those in
Cadas Pangeran, West Java.
There is considerable debate as to whether he increased the efficiency of the local
bureaucracy and reduced corruption, although he certainly enriched himself during this period.
Thomas Stamford Raffles (sumber :rmbr.nus.edu.sg/history/raffles.htm )

As Stamford Raffles was well-known in natural history circles, a number of animals and plants have been named in his honour. They include
Megalaima rafflesi (Red-crowned Barbet),
Dinopium rafflesii (Olive-backed Woodpecker) and
Chaetodon rafflesi (Latticed Butterflyfish). Perhaps the most distinctive organism named after him would be
Rafflesia, a genus of plants parasitic on palm trees which he discovered on an expedition to a jungle in Sumatra. These are endemic to Southeast Asia and produce the world's largest and possibly the most spectacular (abeit evil-smelling) flowers.
Eduard Douwes Dekker (2 March 1820 – 19 February 1887), better known by his
pen name Multatuli (from
Latinmulta tuli, "I have carried much"), was a
Dutch writer famous for his satirical novel,
Max Havelaar (1860), which denounced the abuses of
colonialism in the
Dutch East Indies (today's
Indonesia). Dekker was born in
Amsterdam. His father, a ship's captain, intended his son for trade, but this humdrum prospect disgusted him, and in 1838 he went out to
Java and obtained a post as a
civil servant. He moved from one posting to another, until, in 1851, he became assistant-resident at
Ambon, in the
Moluccas. In 1857 he was transferred to
Lebak, in the
Bantam residency of Java (now
Banten province). By this time, however, all the secrets of Dutch administration were known to him, and he had begun to openly protest about the abuses of the colonial system. Consequently he was threatened with dismissal from his office for his openness of speech. Dekker resigned his appointment and returned to the Netherlands.

Statue of Multatuli on a square over the
Singel canal in Amsterdam.
He was determined to expose in detail the scandals he had witnessed, and he began to do so in newspaper articles and pamphlets. Little notice, however, was taken of his protestations until, in 1860, he published his novel
Max Havelaar under the pseudonym of Multatuli. Dekker's new pseudonym, which is derived from Latin, means, "I have suffered much", or, more literally "I have borne much" referring to himself, as well as, it is thought, to the victims of the injustices he saw. An attempt was made to suppress the inflammatory book, but in vain; it was read all over Europe. Colonialist apologists accused Dekker's horrific depictions of being hyperbolic. Multatuli now began his literary career, and published
Love Letters (1861), which, in spite of their mild title, were mordant, unsparing
Although the literary merit of Multatuli's work was widely criticised, he received an unexpected and most valuable ally in
Carel Vosmaer who published a book (
The Sower 1874) praising him.
[1] He continued to write much, and to publish his miscellanies in uniform volumes called
Ideas, of which seven appeared between 1862 and 1877 and also contain his novel
Woutertje Pieterse.
Dekker left Holland, and went to live in
Ingelheim am Rhein near
Mainz, where he made several attempts to write for the stage. One of his pieces,
The School for Princes (published in 1875 in the fourth volume of
Ideas), expresses his non-conformist views on politics, society and religion. He moved his residence to
Nieder Ingelheim, on the
Rhine, where he died in 1887.
Dekker had been one of Sigmund Freud’s favourite writers. He heads the list of ‘ten good books’ which Freud drew up in 1907.
In June 2002, the Dutch
Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde (Society for Dutch Literature) proclaimed Multatuli the most important Dutch writer of all time.
Multatuli's brother, Jan Douwes Dekker, is a grandfather of
Ernest Douwes Dekker (also known as Danudirja Setiabudi, an Indonesian National hero.
Conrad Theodore van Deventer ( sumber :en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conrad_Theodor_van_Deventer)

Van Deventer as a young man
Van Deventer was a son of Christiaan Julius van Deventer and Anne Marie Busken Huet. His uncle was the writer
Conrad Busken Huet. He married Elisabeth Maria Louise Maas; they had no children.
[1] Van Deventer attended the
H.B.S. in
Deventer and studied
law at
Leiden University. He achieved his
doctorate in September 1879 on the
thesis: "Zijn naar de grondwet onze koloniën delen van het rijk" ("are, according to the
constitution, our colonies part of the Dutch empire").
[2] On August 20, 1880 he was made available to the
Governor-General of the
Dutch East Indies by the
Ministry of
Colonies to be appointed as
civil service official.
[3] With his wife Van Deventer travelled in September 1880 to
Batavia by
steamboat Prins Hendrik;
[4] he was appointed
court clerk at the Raad van Justitie (Council of Justice) at
Amboina in December 1880.
[5] As early as 1881 Van Deventer was already seen by the public as an authority in the case of the issue of the economic position of the Dutch East Indies in relation to
motherland the Netherlands. In lectures held during meetings of the "Indisch Genootschap" ("Indies Institute") his opinion on this matter was presented as very important.
In June 1882 Van Deventer was appointed court clerk at the "Landraden" (land boards) of Amboina,
Saparua and Wahoo; he was also appointed auditeur militair (a legal position) at the
court-martial in Amboina.
[7] In March 1883 he was appointed member of the Council of Justice in
Semarang[8] and that same year he wrote a series of articles in the Soerabaijasch Handelsblad, under de title
Gedichten van F.L. Hemkes (poetry by F.L. Hemkes; Frederik Leonardus Hemkes was a Dutch poet, who lived in South-Africa (1854-1887)
[10] Van Deventer wrote in February 1884 an article in "Het Indisch Weekblad voor het Recht" (The Dutch Indies Journal of Law), called
De Indische Militairen en het Koninklijke Besluit van 13 Oktober 1882 nummer 26 (The military in the Dutch East Indies and the royal order of October 13, 1882), in which he discussed the trial of a
Buginese soldier in front of a civil (police) court instead of a military one.
[11] In April 1885 Van Deventer quit his job as a member of the Council of Justice in Semarang and was appointed lawyer and attorney at this Council of Justice.
[12] In this period of his life Van Deventer was also active as a
second lieutenant in the
[13] That same year, 1885, he quit his job at the Council of Justice and joined the legal practice of LLM B.R.W.A.
baron Sloet van Hagensdorp and LLM M.H.C. van Oosterzee; he replaced mr. Van Oosterzee, who would return to the Netherlands.
Van Deventer worked as a private lawyer from 1885 to 1888. In May 1888 he took a leave for Europe
[17] and travelled with his wife by steamboat
Prinses Amalia from Batavia to the Netherlands.
[18] Back in Europe he wrote a series of articles, called
De Wagner-feesten te Bayreuth (the
Wagner festivals in
Bayreuth), which he visited for the newspaper "De Locomotief";
[19] in this period Van Deventer was a permanent employee of this newspaper. He returned to the Dutch Indies on May 11, 1889 by steamboat
[20] He resumed his lawyers practice and also became commissioner of the
limited liability company "Hȏtel du Pavillon".
[21] In September 1892 he was appointed acting member of the Committee of Directors of the Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (Dutch East Indian Railway Company).
[22] In July 1893 Van Deventer was promoted to the military rank of
first lieutenant at the Schutterij in Semarang.
He left for a second short stay in Europe in May 1894 and was, after his return, appointed member of the supervisory committee of the
HBS in Semarang.
[24] In the newspaper "Locomotief" he wrote an article called
Samarangsche bazar - eigen hulp (Bazar of Samarang), in which he defended himself against accusations that the prospectus of this firm (Samarangsche bazar), made up by him, was not accurate.
[25] He left the Dutch East Indies (permanently) in April 1897 by steamboat
[26] back in Europe he visited the
Wagner festivals and wrote about "Wagneriana" in The Locomotief of November 11 and December 16, 1897.
[27] In 1898 Van Deventer wrote several articles about the coronation celebrations in the Netherlands, where queen
Wilhelmina was crowned, in the "Locomotief".
[28] He also wrote a series of four articles, called "Het Wilhelmus als Nederlands Volkslied" (the
Wilhelmus as the Dutch
national anthem), for the Locomotief that year
[29] and gave in the Locomotief his perspective on the
Zola trial.

Van Deventer around the time when he became a politician
In 1899 Van Deventer wrote a very influential article, called "Een Ereschuld" (a debt of honour) in the Dutch magazine "De Gids". In this article Van Deventer stated that the Netherlands had a dept of honor of nearly 190 million gulden opposite the Dutch East Indies and had to pay for this dept of honor.
[31][32] When the Dutch East Indian budget was discussed in the
House of Representatives a lot of attention was paid to Van Deventer's article, although not all members agreed with the content of the article.
[33] Van Deventer was appointed member of the editorial board of "The Gids" as of January 1, 1901.
[34] Over the next years until his death he would write numerous articles in this magazine.
[35] In June 1901 Van Deventer accepted his candidacy for the electoral association Schiedam (for the
Free-thinking Democratic League), located the
Schiedam, for the elections for the House of Representatives, but was not chosen.
[36]In lectures Van Deventer showed himself a supporter for the installation of a Dutch East Indian House of Representatives in the Dutch East Indies.
[37] In June 1902 he was appointed member of the "Algemeen Nederlands Verbond" (General Dutch Covenant)
[38] and wrote in het "Tijdschrift voor Nederlands-Indië" (Magazine for the Dutch East Indies) together with others, a concept colonial program; in this program the authors stated that the administrative power should lie more with the residents of the Dutch East Indies and that the government of the Netherlands should limit it's interference to general government principles only.
[39] It seems contradictory that he also signed the telegram, send to
general J. B. van Heutsz, in which he was complemented with the submission of Panglima Polim (a local leader), which was achieved by military force, in
Van Deventer became a member of the board of the
Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (1903)
[41] and that same year attended the meeting in
London of the "Institut Colonial International".
[42] In September 1904 he was appointed knight in the
Order of the Netherlands Lion.
[43] He kept writing articles in different magazines, other than The Gids; for instance he published a series of four articles in the Soerabaijasch Handelsblad in December 1904, called "Over de suikercultuur- en suikerindustrie" (about the sugar industry).
[44] On September 19, 1905 Van Deventer was elected as a member of the House of Representatives for the constituency Amsterdam IX
[45]and as such he emphasized his three focus points regarding Dutch East Indian policy: education, irrigation and emigration.
[46] He was also a promotor of the so-called
Dutch Ethical Policy[45] but at the same time said in a speech given in the House of Representatives on November 16, 1905, that if persuasion did not work it would be inevitable to use military force.
[47] In a series of articles in the "Soerabajasch Handelsblad" in August 1908 called "Insulinde's toekomst" (the future of the Dutch East Indies) he wrote about the importance of eductation and the creation of new jobs for natives on higher management levels.
[48] Van Deventer was not reelected and left the House of Representatives on 21 September 1909.
Van Deventer was elected to be a member of parliament again on 19 September 1911, when he was appointed member of the
Senate by the
States-Provincial of
[49] In this period he was also appointed as member of the
Max Havelaar Foundation; this foundation was named after the famous book, written by
Multatuli, and the aim of the foundation was the material and spiritual upliftment of the natives in the Dutch East Indies.
[50] In February 1912 Van Deventer made, as a member of the Senate, a journey of several months to the Dutch East Indies.
[51] He visited almost all islands, including but not limited to
Celebes and
[52] He remained a Senate member until September 16, 1913, when he was reelected as a member of the House of Representatives for the constituency
[45] He kept this position until his death, on September 27, 1915. In June 1914 he was appointed official delegate of the Netherlands at the International Opium Conference held in
The Hague.
[53] In 1913 he founded the
Kartini Foundation in order to be able to establish girl schools in the Dutch East Indies. In September 1915 Van Deventer became seriously ill (he suffered from
peritonitis[54]) and was nursed at the
Red Cross hospital in The Hague.
[55] He died at the age of 57 on September 27, 1915
[56] and his body was cremated at Westerveld (
Van der Cappellen (sumber :id.wikipedia.org/.../Godert_Alexander_Gerard_Philip_baron_van_der_Capellen ,en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batusangkar)
Mr . Godert Alexander Gerard Philip baron van der Capellen ( born in Utrecht , December 15, 1778 - died in De Bilt , Utrecht , 10 April 1848 at the age of 69 years ) was the first ruler of the Dutch East Indies after the ruling in the Indian controlled by the United Kingdom for several years . At the Congress of Vienna , was given back to the Dutch East Indies and the Netherlands.Van der Capellen , ruled between August 19, 1816 - January 1, 1826. He was Governor - General of the Dutch East Indies to - 41 .He is a liberal -minded , spirit blows in the middle of Europe after the French Revolution . But soon he saw that the application of the principle of laissez - faire will be detrimental to small farmers in Java and some other Dutch territories because rich people ( read : the Netherlands ) will soon mastered a lot of land and let the farmers and farm workers have lost their livelihoods , a state that has ever occurred in the 18th century , during the VOC .In his time he also had to face the undermining Raffles , as Commissioner General of Bengkulu , which is trying to master Sumatra and Kalimantan to master the king of Great Britain . Dispute was resolved with the signing of the Treaty of London in 1824 . Other security issues that must be faced is the Padri War in Minangkabau , Java War , Palembang sultan resistance , and rebellion in Maluku .To improve the economic situation , Van der Capellen trying to advance their economy , mostly farmers . He stopped paying rent land in the Great State of Mataram , to help farmers .However, this action raises protests from landowners and nobility into resistance . Came the war , led by a prince of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta , Prince Diponegoro , who is known as the Java War between the years 1825-1830 . In Maluku , he reduced most of the spice trade monopoly to reduce injustice and people's resistance .To promote agriculture and education , he founded the " Department of Agriculture , Arts , and Sciences for Java " in charge of promoting agriculture through public and professional education and research in the field of biology . Prof . C.G.K. Reinwardt ( known also as the director of the first Buitenzorg Botanic Gardens ) was appointed as the first person to occupy this portfolio . In his time , removed the Education Act ( 1916) . As an implementation built elementary schools for all classes of citizens . However, the response of non - Dutch people are very quiet because of the teaching of these schools teach the language of Dutch and European institutions . Recognizing this van der Capellen ordered an inquiry into the indigenous education system so that it can be modernized . It can be said this is the first attempt to incorporate the principles of European education to the indigenous people of Indonesia.In the health sector , the challenges that must be faced is the spread of smallpox . Reinwardt strive aware of the importance of sanitation and that residents are willing to be immunized . Immunization was successfully executed and successfully suppressed the spread of smallpox .Van der Capellen very liberal upper class is not favored in the Dutch East Indies as too weak . In 1824 he was called back to the Netherlands and in 1826 the position of Governor-General submitted to Merkus Hendrik de Kock .In honor of his services , in the city Batusanggkar, Tanah Datar regency capital fortress founded by name , the Fort Van der Capellen
The town is near the former seat of the
Minangkabau royalty established by
Adityawarman in
Pagaruyung, represented by the reconstructed
Pagaruyung Palace. A number of stones bearing inscriptions (
prasasti) left by Adityavarman that remain in the region are the first written records in West Sumatra. After the death of Adityavarman (1375) no more stone inscriptions were produced.
The Dutch surrender in 1795 made way for the mostly peaceful establishment of the
Batavian Republic, a
satellite stateunder Napoleon's growing empire. From 1795 to 1802, Colonel Janssens served mostly as an administrator within the new Batavian Army. He was appointed governor-general of the Cape Colony upon its return to the Dutch by the British under the terms of the
Treaty of Amiens in 1802. Arriving in early 1803, he attempted to strengthen the defences of the colony, but found resources lacking, having few trained troops at his disposal and the political situation tenuous at best. During this time, he was promoted to Lieutenant-General.
The start of the
War of the Third Coalition marked another British invasion of the Cape Colony. Janssens was under no impression that he had the ability to defeat the British force, led by Lieutenant-General
Sir David Baird, yet he mobilized his forces and engaged the British on 8 January 1806, at the
Battle of Blaauwberg, near
Cape Town. His force was routed and the Cape Colony was surrendered to the British for the last time on January 18. Under the terms of the surrender, Janssens was transported back to the Netherlands, arriving at the Hague on 8 June 1806.
Louis Bonaparte named Janssens Secretary-General of the Department of War upon his return. He held a series of high-ranking administrative posts within the kingdom until the abdication of Louis Napoleon and the annexation of the Netherlands by France in 1810. On 11 November 1810, he was appointed governor-general of the territory known, before the annexation, as the Dutch East Indies, replacing
Herman Willem Daendels. He arrived in
Java on 15 May 1811 and immediately involved himself in efforts to strengthen the colony's defenses. Java benefited from a larger amount of both Dutch and French troops, as well as better defenses, compared to the Cape Colony. However, the
British invasion fleet arrived shortly thereafter, on 30 July, led by
Sir Samuel Auchmuty.
Janssens mounted a defense that centered around the existing fortifications, namely
Meester Cornelis. However, the French soldiers under his command lacked well-trained officers and as the British laid siege to the fortress, Janssens personally led a futile defense and was forced to retreat to
Buitenzorg (later the place of residence of the British governor-general,
Sir Stamford Raffles. A large number of French soldiers were captured during the retreat and ensuing pursuit and Janssens was forced to surrender on 18 September 1811. He was imprisoned in Britain until 12 November 1812, when he was repatriated to the Netherlands.
He was involved in some minor engagements in the ensuing years, until he resigned his post in the French Army on 9 April 1814.
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